Drs. ing. M. Delcour ECBS
General Manager at The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers
As the largest networking for engineers association (KIVI), we believe strongly that traveling and studying abroad is great ‘gift’ to receive for our engineers of the future. To support this believe, KIVI started the Stichting Studie- en Reisfonds (SSRF). SSRF is a fund to help our KIVI-student members financially and to motivate them to study abroad for their thesis or internship and see other places. So on behalf of all engineers at KIVI we are very honoured to take place in the Board of Recommendation to support this. Good luck to all the students.

Dr. ir. D.C.M. Augustijn
Program Director Civil Engineering
Every two years, the Civil Engineering study association of the University of Twente, ConcepT, organises an international study tour. The destinations of the study tour this year are the United Arab Emirates and South Korea. Under the supervision of lecturers from the programme, they prepare for the trip by learning about the countries and context of civil engineering projects they will visit. The study tour is an extremely relevant learning experience for the students, as the global market is increasingly the playing field for civil engineers. This experience is a valuable asset in their professional career. The study programme recognizes the added value and supports the study tour.
Prof. dr. ir. A. Veldkamp
Rector Magnificus University of Twente